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Creation of stowage cards

Creation of European stowage cards for a 100% professional and quality load

Directive 2014/47/EU, regarding roadside technical inspections of commercial vehicles circulating in the Union, was created with the aim of improving safety conditions on traffic routes in the European Union.

This is transposed to Spain through RD 563/2017, of June 2, establishing the technical standards that we must follow to carry out a correct stowage, fastening and packaging of the merchandise.

For correct compliance with both regulations, the stowage Euro fiche is the standardized and registered document that reflects how to stow each type of cargo.

These sheets must be signed and approved by EUMOS with a traceability code that guarantees their validity and authenticity.

At J2 Servid we have the guarantee that our stowage cards meet all the above requirements, so they are 100% authentic.

metodos sujecion cargas

What should a stowage card have?

A technical part (obverse), with a view to loading, recommended technique, tools to be used, a table with calculations made regarding the number or characteristics of the lashings to be used, and a traceability code to verify the validity of the sheet, since HDZ cards are part of the world’s largest sheet database and cannot be imitated.

A legal part (called the “legal responsibility protocol” standard), which covers the gaps in the stowage regulations, harmonizes the regulation in Europe and has a perfect layout of responsibility between the parties, beneficial for shippers and carriers.